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Tel : 1.819.671.0019 ( Canada )
Encens - Parfums
100% pure Organic
- Purify Amerindia
-Aromatize Celtic
-Parfume Egyptian
Encens- Parfums
I am RUAH SHIM-Conifers base
Purification Incense
My Vibration is NATIVE AMERICAN. I come from our Mother Earth both Americas and Australia.
I am SHEMA - Fruits base
Purification Incense
My vibration is Celtic. I come from our Mother Earth in Europe.
I am THU MAAR - Orientals roses base
Meditation perfume
My vibration is Egyptian. I come from our Mother Earth in Orient.
Rhua Shim Incense
-Works on the physical plane and matter
- Helps to fight against fears
- Helps to Purify physical programming, doubt and all types of physical and verbal violence experienced.
- Along with evergreens from the Americas and Australia, Rhuah-Shim helps strengthen grounding, mind, and energy.
- Strengthens the respiratory system by nasal breathing only.
- Orange-yellow frequency
- Just one drop is enough on the pillow-
- Pure Organic -
Quantum Vibration 5 D-
Do not swallow or take as medicine
Shema incense
- Works on the psychic level.
- Helps purify and increase the fluidity of cellular connections.
- Enables connection of energies, eliminating harmful vibrational frequencies.
- Accelerates the vibrational rise, and the circulation of energies
- Emits long distance energies and frequencies
- Designed with citrus fruits from the Celtic regions, and Egypt.
-Green frequency.
- Pure organic
5D Quantum Vibration
Do not swallow or take as medicine.
Perfume Thu-Maar
- Pure fragrance, 100% organic
- High in celestial vibration
- Spirals around the body.
- Finely penetrates the cells of the subtle bodies.
- Peppery, it awakens hope and creates a wave of freshness.
- Nourishes hope and vibrates the body in its entirety.
- Feeds the Soul.
- Made from rose types from Mediterranean countries in North Africa
- Suave and bewitching
-Violet frequency with green.
Do not swallow or take as medicine
1 drop only

Harmony, Balance, Health, Stress - Purification, smells, are important moments for the awakening of the senses, They allow harmonious moments, for Better Living for a Better Being.
High vibrational frequencies.
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